GIRLS 1 (G1) - New skaters with limited skating experience. Typically ages 4-7.
GIRLS 2 (G2) - One to two years prior skating experience. Typically ages 5-7.
GIRLS 3 (G3) - Intermediate level, two to four years prior skating experience. Typically ages 6-8.
GIRLS 4 (G4) – Advanced, highest skill level, three to five years prior skating experience. Typically ages 7-8.
Levels tend to follow Minnesota Hockey age groupings as they continue through program but can deviate a bit based on skill level. There will be assessments at the beginning of the season to align skaters with levels.
The 8U/6U group is the fundamental stage of the Warriors. Creating a positive, healthy environment for the youngest members is essential to a player’s long-term participation, growth, and successful experience in hockey. The program will focus on skill development for all players to build fundamental skills in a fun environment.
2024-2025 Jerseys
New reversible jerseys that look similar to the Warrior travel jerseys with last names, numbers, and sponsors.
At this level of hockey, we don't keep score. Games against outside teams are for fun and development only. Attending local jamborees is a highlight of our season. We select jamborees based on each team's level of play and that jamboree's offering (number of games, cross/half/full ice etc.) Below is our plan for the 2024-25 season. This may be subject to change as jamboree registrations open this fall.
Girls 1
No outside jamboree. Internal scrimmage/jamboree in March.
Girls 2
Mtka Mite Jamboree
March 6-8
Girls 3
Mtka Mite Jamboree
March 6-8
Girls 4
FLakeJam Mite Tournament
Dec 6-8
Lakeville 8U Jamboree
Dec 14-15
Edina Girls Mite Jamboree
Feb 7-9
Bloomington Mite Jamboree
Feb 27-Mar 2

2024-2025 Season
Britta McGuire
G1/G2 Level Rep
Drianna Raskovich
G3/G4 Level Rep
Jeff Mickelson
Scrimmage Coordinator